February 19, 2025
Leone Fuller

Leone Fuller

How did you get started in bridge? At what age? Who from?

I grew up in a card-playing family, playing 500 and euchre among others. I learned bridge in my early 20s, when my sister wanted a bridge partner for sessions at the local club. I was soon hooked. When I met my husband over a bridge table, a lifetime of bridge was assured.

We flew to the ANC the day after our wedding, postponing our honeymoon until after the bridge had finished (priorities that many bridge players will understand…..).

Like many women, my bridge career has been stop-start, juggling working, children and

bridge. However, each has brought their own very different sense of fulfilment and I wouldn’t change anything.

What do (did) you do professionally?

I am a social worker, working primarily in psychiatry and palliative care. I spent many years managing not-for profit organisations, but have recently semi-retired, going back to my clinical roots. I’m now working casually and loving it.

Bridge contrasts in so many ways with my professional career, it’s an ideal hobby and a different kind of intensity which is very refreshing.

Who is your partner and for how long? Longest partnership?

My current partners are my husband Trevor and my good friend Marnie Leybourne. Over the years I have been lucky enough to play with some great players, and I have learned a lot from each of them. My longest partnership of nearly 20 years was with Sharon Evans, an ex- New Zealand Women’s Team player and a great friend who taught me much.

In your playing career, what is the bridge success that has the most meaning for you?

My first ANC win in 1995. I was three months pregnant with my second daughter Danni, and morning sickness was making me throw up every morning before play. Talk about a way to make your captain nervous!

I also love that I have won the ANC Women’s playing four different systems with four different partners: Sharon Evans (forcing pass), Alida Clark (ACOL), Val Biltoft (Standard) and Marnie Leybourne (Moscito). There’s fun in variety! 

What do you do you do between sessions to put you in the best frame of mind for the following session?

I don’t like to discuss the hands between sessions unless we’ve had a major mis-understanding that needs clarification. I much prefer to chill out and relax. There’s time enough to discuss the hands at the end of the day.

National Titles

National Women’s Teams 2009
Hans Rosendorff Memorial Teams 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2014, 2016, 2017
Swan River Swiss 2019

State Representation

WA Youth Team 1990, 1991
WA Women’s Team 1995 (won), 1997, 2007 (won), 2011, 2012 (won), 2013 (won), 2014, 2018 (won), 2021
WA Open Team 2004

International Representation

Venice Cup 2009, 2015
APBF Women’s Team 2008, 2010, 2015
